You have to be an extremely broken person inside if your physical identity is the only thing you care about, thinking that's the totality of who you are. You are so much more than that... more than you can presently imagine.
All these differences between us are ultimately irrelevant in the bigger picture. They're not what I put emphasis on or care about. What I care about is whether you're a good person or not. Do you have conscience? Do you believe in true freedom? Do you respect other people's rights? Do you have something productive or creative to contribute? Do you have any real solutions to actual problems? These are things that matter. What you look like, how you identify, and who you're attracted to are NOT things that matter... not in the bigger picture. They might matter to you because it's your body, but they are only minute aspects. No one needs to obsess over them to want you to be free and happy.
Every single human being is Sovereign. That means NO ONE has any right to rule you, command you, coerce you, assault you, and so on. As sovereign beings, we all have the same Rights in Nature. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you. Those who understand their Rights and their Sovereignty don't hyperfocus on the things that make us all different and unique. Those things are just personal characteristics. They are part of our human experience. They don't wholly define us as a being.
When we look back in history at some people's great achievements, what truly matters? How they identified? What their sexual preference was? What their skin color was? OR.. how courageous, resilient and innovative they were? Were they good, moral people who made real, positive change? That's how I'd want to be remembered. Not for my physical identity, but for my conscience and my accomplishments.
We're all human beings – and beyond that, we're all spiritual beings. We all came here with a shared purpose: to end suffering, to end slavery. When we hyperfocus on all the physical aspects of the vessel and let ego take the wheel, we lose sight of that purpose. We end up divided, in conflict, and create chaos. While there are forces at work in the world who ensure this, we all still carry the most moral culpability. Why? Because we fall for it, and we put it into action. We start thinking our differences make us superior to others, that we have more Rights than others, that we can rule and control others, that we can decide for ourselves what right and wrong are for ourselves and others. All it ever leads to is more suffering, more slavery, more chaos.
It's not just the "woke" who fall into this trap, it's most people. We are infants, spiritually. This isn't natural, though. Again, there are forces at work who want to keep us this way. The more ensconced we are in the ego-self – thinking all we are is the vessel with no spiritual understanding – the easier we are to dupe and control. If we did understand Who We Are, and did understand our sovereignty under Natural Law, there would be no such thing as racism, sexism, etc. All of that is rooted in out-of-control ego.
You are NOT your race. You are NOT your gender. You are NOT your sexuality. You're a beautiful, spiritual being. You are consciousness having a temporary experience in a physical domain.
We have the gift of Free Will to choose any path. Do we choose peace and freedom, or do we choose conflict and chaos? Whatever we choose, our actions are governed by Spiritual Law, and we cannot escape the consequences. If we keep choosing the path we're on now – the path of ego, moral relativism, ignorance, apathy and cowardice – expect the situation to get worse. If we choose the path of Agapé Love, Knowledge, True Care, and Conscience, then we're getting somewhere. Then we're evolving in consciousness.
When our actions are based in Fear, we're acting from the ego. When our actions are based in Love, we're acting from Higher Consciousness. It's a Higher Love, and we need that now more than ever. Love is Truth. Love is Law. LEX REX.
"Think about it, there must be a higher love Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above Without it, life is a wasted time Look inside your heart, and I’ll look inside mine Things look so bad everywhere In this whole world, what is fair? We walk blind and try to see Falling behind in what could be"