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It is vitally important that you read through all of this

to understand fully what this time period represents.


“World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.”

– Denis Healey


MARCH 22nd - MAY 1st


The Season of Sacrifice is a 40-day period between March 22nd and May 1st. Some contend that it begins on March 19th, but those first three days are like a precursor to the main season. Its name was coined by the Dark Occultists of this world who believe that the Earth must be bathed in the blood of innocents to ensure a fruitful harvest and to invoke an archetype of the destructive forces of the universe. 


This Season of Sacrifice is intimately connected to Astro-theology and its modern day constituent Astrology, also known as Celestial Mechanics. Although the notion of astrology has been ridiculed for decades within mainstream circles, behind closed doors the elite not only recognized these influences but incorporate them in developing their agenda for world domination and power.


This time period, in general, is just about death and rebirth; but as with everything, it was hijacked for evil purposes by these Dark Occult psychopaths. All they can do is take positive things and twist and pervert them for their own goals. So, let's go over the general concept – and remember, it doesn't matter if YOU believe in any of this, THEY do, and they act on it.




It is based on the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The Zodiac is a time measurement system used by ancient cultures as a method of tracking the movement of celestial bodies over a course of time with our planet as the center point. As the Earth moves around the Sun, the position of planets and our star changes in the sky and this can be tracked using the Zodiacal system.


This system can be used for small time periods, like a single year or much larger spans of time, like a Great Cycle or Year (approximately 26,000 years). In either case, the constellation behind the Sun as it rises determines which house of the zodiac (or sign) the Earth is under or in. For example, on March 19th or 20th, the Sun will rise in the constellation of Aries (the Ram). Anyone born under this sign would be associated with the constellation Aries until April 17th when the Sun rises in the house of Taurus. In other words, each day of the year has a zodiacal constellation associated to it which the ancients (and the Dark Occultists) believe have a profound influence on an individual’s life, as well as the planet at large.  


Here is an image of the 12 signs of the Zodiac plotted over a one-year cycle. In this image are two crosses at 45º angles with each other, marking the four seasons and their midpoints, which have occult significance.

12 signs of the zodiac.jpg

The Season of Sacrifice begins when the sign of Pisces transitions to Aries, at approximately the same time as the Spring Equinox on March 21st. May 1st is the midpoint of the sign of Taurus, marking the end of this sacrificial period with the pagan holiday of Walpurgisnacht (val-PURGE-iss-nahkt). When the Sun reaches the highest or lowest point in the sky it known as the seasons of Winter or Summer, marked on the Zodiac by either end of a vertical line. The lowest position of the Sun, from a northerly perspective represented by the lowest point in the Zodiac, is between Sagittarius and Capricorn. The highest position of the Sun is represented by the highest point in the Zodiac, between Gemini and Cancer.


On a standard globe you can find the lines marked the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These represent the maximum southern and northern points of the Sun as it moves in the sky throughout the year. When the Sun reaches the angle of 23.5ºN with respect to the equator, the Summer Solstice begins, entering the sign of Cancer. When the sun reaches the angle of 23.5ºS with respect to the equator, the Winter Solstice begins, entering the house of Capricorn.  


The year can be further broken down into the Season of Life marked by the Sun’s emergence from the Southern hemisphere on the Spring Equinox, and the Season of Death marked by the Sun’s recession into the Southern hemisphere on the Fall Equinox. Within these two seasons, the archetypal story of the Zodiac is told as an allegorical tale of the symbolic creatures associated with each of the 12 signs. The progression of the Zodiac is a symbol representing the evolution of consciousness, for an individual and the planet at large.


The Minor Zodiacal Cross is four quadrants of the Zodiac marked by the beginning of the four seasons, forming four cross sections:  


• March 21st (Spring)

• June 21st (Summer)

• September 21st (Autumn)

• December 21st (Winter)


The Grand, or Galactic, Cross is four quadrants of the Zodiac marked by the midpoints of the seasons. These times were each marked by Sabbats or the time for performing sacred rites:  


May 1st (Walpurgisnacht – representing fertility, the emergence of life, and an offering of sacrifice of some kind to ensure a bountiful harvest); 


August 1st (Lammas – representing a time of gratitude, pre-harvest thankfulness, and a celebration of bounty and life); 


October 31st (Samhain – representing a time of reflection and self-respect, honoring the dead, contemplation of impermanence and death, and a time of preparation for winter); and 


February 2nd (Candlemas – representing prediction, a time of looking forward, planning for the future, making resolutions, and the time when the darkest and coldest period of the winter is about to end).


By combining the Minor Cross point of March 19th with the Grand Cross point of May 1st, a 40-day period is outlined, defining a window of time known as the Season of Sacrifice.


March 22nd is a day of special importance because it marks the 3rd day after the Sun begins its rise out of the Southern Hemisphere on March 19th. It is symbolic of resurrection from death, which is an astro-theological theme of many world religions reaching back into antiquity. In Christianity, for example, Jesus is said to have died on the cross and rose from the grave after three days, described as: "the risen Christ, the light of the world, the savior of the world," bringing the life of spring to places ravaged by the death of winter.  


When the Sun crosses the equator on or around March 19th it is said to be rising from the grave, or out of its tomb in the Southern Hemisphere. The third day after this process begins, the resurrection is complete, marked by the 22nd of March. The number 22 also symbolizes rebirth in Kabbalistic tradition.  


To further underscore the three-day resurrection allegory, the 12 houses of the Zodiac can also be considered 12 great days of the calendar year. When the Sun dies on the cross, on December 21st, it spends three days in the tomb of death, three months after the Winter Solstice. The sunrise on 22nd of March is the first day after three great days of the Zodiacal calendar, symbolically depicting the time when the Christ rises from the tomb of death or the Season of Death.  


The exact day for the beginning of the Season of Sacrifice is contested amongst occult researchers. Some contend that since the Sun begins its rise on the 19th of March that this is the beginning of the season, whereas others assert that since the resurrection requires three days, then it must begin on March 22nd. Using this latter interpretation, if you add the nine remaining days in March to the 30 days of April and add the first day of May, a 40-day period is defined.


Despite the fact that the appellation Lucifer has become synonymous with evil, the earliest meaning of this word was actually positive. If the Creator is everywhere, in all things and beings equally, then the being who represents the Creator to all in creation would be a bearer of Light, hence the term Lucifer, which etymologically derives from the Latin Lux = "light" and Fer = "bearing" or "to bear." Therefore, the one who brings Light is considered the positive Lucifer and the one that brings darkness is the negative Lucifer. Dark occultists identify with the latter as they seek to promote suffering, chaos, and slavery by fostering ignorance in humanity. The ideal of the Dark Occultist is symbolically represented as darkness, hence the symbol of the Black Sun (see below).


Within dark occult circles, this 40-day period is a time of special significance because it is when the dark Lucifer archetype (the Black Sun) rises from the grave, so long as the correct rites are invoked. The belief is that any dark magical working or ritual must be initiated during this season so that the agenda of the dark occultists will become manifest later in the year.


The Dark Sun, or Black Sun, is the symbolic representation of the forces that oppose creation, the forces of Involution. The dark occultists believe that in order for darkness to be made manifest in the world they must give sacrifice so that the negative archetype or force of Involution becomes active on the Earthly planes. This explains why so many false flag attacks and manufactured events occur during this 40-day period.


Below are some past events that occurred during this period:


• Battles of Lexington & Concord, MA - April 19, 1775 

• Baltimore Riots, MD - April 19, 1861 

• Sinking of the Titanic - April 14 -15, 1912 

• Shusha Armenian Massacre, Azerbaijan - March 22, 1920

• Khatyn Massacre, Belarus - March 22, 1943 

• Assassination of Martin Luther King, TN - April 4, 1968 

• IRA Car Bombing, Belfast - March 19, 1972

• Waco Massacre, TX - April 19, 1993

• Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing, OK - April 19, 1995

• Port Arthur, Australia massacre, Australia - April 28, 1996 

• Heaven's Gate Cult suicides, CA - March 26, 1997 

• Westside Middle School shooting, AR - March 24, 1998

• Columbine High School shooting, CO - April 20, 1999 

• Iraq War "Shock & Awe" bombings - March 19, 2003 

• Red Lake HS shooting, MN - March 21, 2005

• Virginia Tech massacre, VA - April 16, 2007 

• Binghamton Immigration Center shooting, NY - April 3, 2009

• Moscow Metro bombings - March 29, 2010 

• BP oil spill - April 20, 2010 

• Libya invaded - March 19, 2011 

• Oikos University shooting, Oakland, CA - April 2, 2012 

• Boston marathon bombing, MA - April 15, 2013

• Fort Hood shooting, TX - April 2, 2014

• Brussels, Belgium bombings - March 22, 2016

• Westminster attack, UK - March 22, 2017

• Syrian bombing - April 7, 2017 

• Syrian bombing - April 14, 2018 

• Waffle House shooting, Nashville, TN - April 22, 2018

• Notre Dame fire - April 15, 2019

• Bucha Massacre - Late March 2022

• Russia/Ukraine Battle for Donbass begins - April 19, 2022

• East High School shooting, Denver, CO - March 22, 2023

• Covenant school shooting, Nashville, TN - March 27, 2023

• Moscow, Crocus City Hall concert venue attack - March 22, 2024

• Baltimore Bridge collapse - March 26, 2024


In 2020, on March 11th, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The real threat, of course, was never a "virus," but the devastation due to the lockdowns and mandates that resulted in unnecessary deaths along with people's livelihood being destroyed. The ultimate weapon of this scam, however, is the "vaccine" that has caused thousands of health issues and deaths, and the damage being done in the long-term by these DNA-mutating poisons is already being seen. Also, by what day did Biden declare in March-April of 2021 that all Americans must be vaccinated? May 1st. All of this is deliberate and orchestrated to further erode society through fear and to usher in more and more measures of control.


What's another thing that is taken from people during this time, specifically April? Taxes. This isn't coincidental. The constellation of Libra is prominent during this time, and Libra is represented by the scales. You are being forced to give your "debt" to the priest class and their operations which helps them fund their ritual sacrifices.


It's time to wake up, friends. None of this is random. This is Dark Occult psychopaths against humanity, enacting blood rituals. There is a Technocratic Occultocracy ruling the earth. It's not "the Jews" or "the bankers" or "the Freemasons." Does it involve people from each of those groups? Yes. There are psychopaths from every walk of life who are united in cause towards a common goal: global slavery and the destruction of the human soul. Right now, they are winning because they are united and determined. We, sadly, are still willfully ignorant, still divided in meaningless conflict, still stuck in ego, and still spiritually asleep, even within the so-called "truth and freedom movement."


Evil CAN win, it HAS won in the past, it's winning now, but it doesn't have to. It's one thing to wake up to what's going on, and a lot more people are doing that to some degree, but it isn't enough. We need to change course... or we're finished. Freedom is finished. Humanity is finished. That's the reality we face if we don't change how we think, feel and act.

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