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Numerology is a form of relational thinking that can be used to illustrate conceptual ideas. Applying this relational thinking can allow you to open your mind into a deeper understanding. Symbolism, allegory, and metaphor also serve this purpose.


A good example of this numerological relational thinking can be found in the New Testament book of Revelation which says:


Let he who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of man.”


Not the number of a man, but of mankind as a whole. Let’s explore what this actually means in context. In esoteric numerology, three numbers are often studied in relation to each other because of the concepts they represent. Understanding this relationship can help you come to a conceptual understanding of such a verse, and therefore to understand what is actually meant by the term “Anti-Christ.”


In ancient numerological systems, the number 666 was used to represent humanity in a state of low or base consciousness. This represents The Beast, or the Anti-Christ mentality. It is the opposite of Christ Consciousness. It's pure egotism, pure physical identification, no spirituality. It's dwelling in pure selfishness, ignorance, apathy, non-action and powerlessness. That’s the 666. We’ve failed in the three aspects of consciousness, and that’s what these numbers represent. That’s why they’re trinities. It’s to represent the holy trinity inside of us – our thoughts, emotions, and actions. 


Let's look at the numerological sum of 666:


“Despite other’s attempts to identify a certain number (666) with Satan, it will be known that Nine is His number. Nine is the number of The Ego, for it always returns to itself. No matter what is done through the most complex multiplication of Nine by any other number, in the final equation nine alone will stand forth.” — Anton LaVey, The Satanic Rituals


Symbolically, when Ego (9) is multiplied by anything, it comes right back to itself. More Ego is created and there’s no change. You start with 9, you end with 9. LaVey said he didn't want to identify with the 666, but if we look at Gematria (numerology), 6 + 6 + 6 is 18. 1 + 8 is 9. That means, in Gematria, 666 is equivalent to 9. That’s why it is "Satan’s number," the number of ego / base consciousness. It’s an encoded mathematical truth. This is how occult Gematria works to symbolize concepts. And math doesn’t lie.



777 traditionally represented humanity embodying a higher level of consciousness (Christ Consciousness, i.e. being "IN the world but not OF the world”). The word "Christ" is derived from the Greek word χριστÏŒς (kristos), meaning “morally good, virtuous, holy.” This is why 7-7-7 is used on slot machines. They’re trying to sell you on something that they know is very deeply nested in your subconscious, that you know is representative of spiritual attainment. They know that’s what people crave and yet are missing, so they sell it to you in proxy while keeping all the wealth flowing to themselves. 


888 represented the Three-fold Infinity, The Creator, Natural Law, Perfection in the Absolute. Humanity cannot be the 888 as there is no such thing as perfection in the flesh. But we can become 777 – the one who embodies Natural Law, who embodies Christ Consciousness, who is morally good, virtuous, and holy (WHOLE, not divided within themselves, not torn apart by the adversarial consciousness of the 666) – when we work upon ourselves and purify our thoughts, emotions, and actions.


When Humanity remains spiritually unconscious they would be, in the numerological tradition, embodying the number 666 representing failure in thought, emotion, and action. That is why 666 is considered the Number of the Beast, the Satanic or Anti-Christ consciousness. The people of this world who dwell in ignorance, apathy, laziness, and cowardice are "savages" or "beasts" from a true spiritual perspective, and their consciousness essentially exists only in the animal/reactive mind. They are the true Anti-Christ, and their thoughts and behaviors work continually to kill the true Christ Consciousness.


Christian prophecies speak of an “Anti-Christ” as a false impersonator of Jesus who will come and deceive the whole world during the end of days. Understood properly, however, this concept translates to the people who are falsely claiming to embody the ideas and behaviors of Christ. The Anti-Christ is a way of thinking, feeling, and acting. False modern-day “Christianity” has brought this massive deception to fruition. Today, the greater body of those who claim to be “Christian” actually embody the antithesis of Christ Consciousness.


So this is what is meant in the Book of Revelation by “he who has understanding will calculate the number of the Beast," because it is the number of... Mankind. Mankind dwells in Satanic Consciousness, in Anti-Christ Consciousness, which is why we’re enslaved in the aggregate. There are people who do dwell in the Christ Consciousness, and people who are on their way to dwelling in that higher level of being. In the aggregate, however, Humanity is still the Beast. Therefore, anyone dwelling in beast consciousness – including many who claim to be Christian – ARE the Anti-Christ. They peddle what they believe is Christ Consciousness when it has nothing whatsoever to do with the real thing. 

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