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...and LIVE that Truth. Don't behave like a slave, behave like the Sovereign Spiritual Being that you are... with your head in the cosmos and your feet on the ground. Help and teach others so that they can achieve that state of consciousness themselves. Knowledge of Truth needs to be an aggregate condition. If you have the knowledge, then it is your moral duty to share it. If you don't have that knowledge, then it's your moral duty to discover it. Then teach it. We have to be de-occultists. It doesn't even matter if humanity has gone beyond hope; you still do it because it's the morally correct path. Staying quiet, apathetic, and inactive amidst rampant tyranny and injustice is the immoral thing to do. It's complicity with evil. Do you want that on your karmic record? I don't.


While I could have gone on and on about the details of all the different agendas, I spoke of the overall situation which ultimately must be resolved within each one of us. There is no political or monetary solution to the problem. The solution lies in consciousness and always has. It lies in understanding the difference between what is objectively Moral and objectively Immoral. It lies in acknowledging our own immoral behavior and changing how we think, feel and act. That's what having and exercising Conscience means. When you understand that, then you can truly understand the immorality and illegitimacy of "authority" and "government" and abandon that false belief system.


Overall, it's about deeply understanding Objective Morality and Natural Law, and aligning your behavior to it. I understand that not everyone is going to delve into the occult as I have, but the majority of humanity HAS TO understand this basic universal truth, to achieve this state of consciousness. All the external factors of control are only symptoms of the problem. You cannot change anything on that level. All change begins within. All freedom begins within. As within, so without. That's why we have to speak this truth widely, freely, constantly, and unwaveringly regardless of what may or may not change in our lifetime. We have to be examples, teachers, and mentors. That is our Great Work. If you don't want to abandon your personal religious beliefs, that's fine, as long as you adhere to the core message: MORALITY CREATES FREEDOM.


By the way, please feel free to post any of the content here to your social media. While most of the written text is mine, the knowledge belongs to everyone. Please share it freely. Share it as is, or put it into your own words. This isn't proprietary info. All I ask is that you link back to this website. I also have info graphics under the MEDIA tab.




Being an example of Right Action means making sacrifices. If you have a government job or any other vocation that supports the control system, you need to quit that job. It doesn't matter if the consequence of doing so means losing income, you need to be doing what is morally right. Even if it means hardship for you and your family. You need to stop engaging in immoral livelihood for a paycheck. You need to develop the heart and the guts to sacrifice for truth and freedom.


If you're a teacher, teach your students about objective morality and philosophy. Teach them the Trivium Method. Take that opportunity to raise their consciousness, not fill their minds with state-approved ideology and moral relativism. If you are reprimanded for doing so, then fight it. If that's a battle you can't win, then quit. Don't comply with evil just to keep getting paid.


Doing what's right isn't about your security, comfort and convenience. It's not about reward or personal gain. You do what is right because it is right. The consequence of losing freedom due to immoral and ego-driven behavior is far greater than anything so temporary as job loss. Do the right thing, stay on your course of purpose, and the universe will always come to your aid.


"Every man and every woman has a course, depending partly on the self, and partly on the environment which is natural and necessary for each. Anyone who is forced from his own course, either through not understanding himself, or through external opposition, comes into conflict with the order of the Universe, and suffers accordingly."

– Aleister Crowley


"A Man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." – ibid.




It doesn't matter how much you hate something, how disgusted you are by something, or how offended you are by something. If no harm is being done to someone against their will, it's none of your business. You don't get to decide how people live their lives just because you don't like it. You don't get to decide what is or isn't moral based on your personal beliefs, whims, and preferences and inflict your bullshit onto others. If no objective moral transgression is taking place and no one's Rights or Freedom is being assaulted, you leave it the fuck alone.


We also need to stop making everything about race, gender, and so on. We are all spiritual beings having human experiences. We're all here to learn, grow, and evolve. No one is better than anyone else over such differences. Those differences are ultimately illusory. We can't fall for these divide-and-rule tactics. The whole point of freedom is BEING FREE. That includes all people, not just you and your ilk. Again... the only time you have a right to interfere with someone's actions is if they are violating your Rights or the Rights of others.


There are going to be people in the world whose lifestyles you don't agree with, but we can agree, together, that Freedom is paramount. We have to come together on this issue and stop letting our differences keep us divided. That's what the sorcerers want. They want us fighting and hating each other over ego-identities and other trivialities. We have to stop falling for that. We are one human family. Our differences are irrelevant.


What matters is what we stand for and what we're willing to do to put an end to evil. We need to stop irrationally demonizing and pushing people away who are ready and willing to fight side-by-side with us on the front lines just because we don't like their personal life choices, race, sexuality, and so on. We're ALL sovereign human beings. Every single one of us. Freedom isn't about you and your feelings, it's all-inclusive. So, get over the ego bullshit and act like a sovereign, sane, conscious, moral human being. If you want to hate something, hate slavery. Hate injustice. Hate the erosion of liberty. We can't afford to hate each other.




We are in a point in time called the Apocalypse. Actually, we're past that point. People use that word believing it means the end of the world. That's not what it means. It comes from the Greek word apocalyptein – apo (away from) and kalyptein (covering) – "to uncover or to reveal." The Apocalypse is the great revealing of what has been occulted. It's not the end of the world, it's the end of an age. It's the time where hidden Truth begins to surface. It is the time of Awakening; but it's a long process, because regardless of how much truth is revealed, WE still have to acknowledge it, accept it, and then CARE enough to do something with that knowledge.


We are drowning in information today. The Truth is there all around us waiting to be discovered and shared. It's right there at your fingertips. All you need is the desire to know it, the will to live it, and the courage to speak it. Every single person has the power to change the world simply by knowing and understanding the Truth and teaching it to others... without wavering. You have to keep going no matter how hard it gets or how futile it seems.


This is our One Great Work, and part of that work is the task of moral education, of influencing others to go through the process of self-awakening, freeing oneself within of the chains of ego and erroneous belief systems. It is to help people realize that, in supporting and condoning the legitimacy of "authority" and "government" that they have actually been supporting and condoning the legitimacy of slavery, and that they were immoral for having done so. From that moral education they can begin to transmute their thoughts, feelings, and actions in harmony with Natural Law. 


It is our shared responsibility to do this Great Work by speaking the Truth continuously and unapologetically even when we feel burdened by it, and even if it makes all those involved feel uncomfortable. Courage and persistence are required to do this work. You can't just camp out halfway up the mountain because you weren't getting immediate results. You have to go all the way otherwise you might as well do nothing.


"In every declining civilization there is a small ‘remnant’ of people who adhere to the Right against the Wrong, who recognize the difference between Good and Evil and who will take an active stand for the former and against the latter; who can still think and discern and who will courageously take a stand against the political, social, moral, and spiritual rot or decay of their day." Donald S. McAlvaney


A big problem we have is that we want to project our own capacity for empathy and compassion onto those in government. Most people cannot imagine that these "authority" figures are completely void of empathy and compassion. People don't want to accept that psychopaths are running their lives like slave masters, murdering people by the millions, raping children, etc.


"They'd never do that!"


Yes, they absolutely would. It's going on right now, and you should be enraged. Not angry about your comfort zone being disrupted, or about losing a sports game, or not getting your way. You need to be filled with Righteous Anger at the looming amount of evil that is destroying our Freedom as a species... destroying our souls. Yet here we are, unwittingly accepting the idea that we must put the worst people of society in charge of our lives in order to be protected from... the worst people of society... while fighting each other over differences that are completely irrelevant. It's mass delusion.


Many people are getting angry for the right reasons, but channeling that anger in the wrong ways. We have to understand that nothing can be changed for the long term by going after the things that are already happening. You can't protest or vote your way out of slavery. Government doesn't care how much you plead and beg. They laugh at that, because despite your anger you're still believing in "authority," still asking them for Freedom that is yours inherently. As long as you continue doing that, you will never be free. 




You also need to take that Anger and look in a mirror; acknowledge the thoughts, feelings and actions that are making YOU part of the problem. For true, lasting change to happen in the world we have to change within. We have to deal with our own internal enslavement by false beliefs, obsessive ego-identity, and ego attachments. We have to look in the mirror, face the shadow self, and be willing to admit all the things we were wrong about. This is all about self-respect.


The word 'respect' comes from the Latin re- meaning "again" and spectare meaning "to look at." Therefore, Self-Respect literally means "to look at yourself again," to re-evaluate yourself. That's one of the hardest things for people to do. Nobody wants to be wrong about what they believe. I've been there, I know. That programming has to be broken down. Without self-respect all you'll ever do is what you're told. So, instead of being a society with self-respect, we've become a society of self-loathing. We have to turn that around... and fast.


It's important to know and understand what's happening around us, but that's not where change happens. You have to get to the WHY – WHY is slavery our current human condition – and that's an internal process. Knowledge of what is actually happening in the world is important, but knowledge of the Self, aligning yourself with Truth (not belief), getting your thoughts, emotions and actions in harmony, understanding your Sovereignty, having True Care for humanity (Agapé Love), and speaking the Truth to others unwaveringly is the Work we need to do to overcome those conditions. 


Another hard thing to overcome is the fear of sacrifice and the fear of death. Those fears hold us back from true progress. What meaning does life have if you're living in slavery? Freedom is worth everything, and you have to be willing to sacrifice anything to achieve it – your time, your attention, your comforts, your job, your sense of security, or even your life. If you don't fight for it, you lose it. You have to become conscious of your behavior and stop doing anything that supports or condones the harm of others no matter what the temporary consequences are. If that means having to endure a period of suffering, for yourself and/or your family, then so be it. Sacrifices have to be made if you want to do the Right thing.


Freedom isn't just about you and yours, it's about all of us. We are all connected spiritually and karmically. Our differences are irrelevant in the bigger picture. We all have the exact same Rights under Natural Law. We don't fight for just our own freedom, but for humanity as a whole. No other way is possible. If one is suffering, all are suffering. So again, if you want Freedom to manifest in the world you have to be Free within. You have to do that shadow work and be willing to change. If you don't think you need to, that's a red flag that you do. It's a difficult process, but it has to be done. 


Learn the truth about what's happening in the world, and then do what needs to be done to change yourself within, the part of you that is perpetuating the external problem – all the erroneous beliefs, the ego attachments, moral relativism, etc. Then start helping others by teaching them the Truth and encouraging them to Begin this Work themselves.


If you know all of the information presented here and you're not putting in the time and effort to get it out into the world in a public, widely accessible way, then you're not doing the Great Work. You're still part of the problem. If you don't know this information and can't be bothered to look into anything deeply and objectively, you're still part of the problem. While knowledge is required, knowing it is only half the battle. That knowledge – especially in the times we're living in today where Freedom is rapidly on the wane – comes with responsibility and moral duty. Do your due diligence and get involved! We can't achieve any of it by watching from the sidelines and hoping someone else will do the work for us. There are no "white hat" saviors. WE are our own saviors, and that's always been the case regardless of what anyone claims otherwise.


I'm sure many who read this think there's no point to any of it, that nothing and no one will ever change, and that we might as well just accept things as they are because the amount of work required of every person is "too immense." If we don't do this work, then no, nothing will change. It will get worse and worse. Regardless of how bleak things may seem, the work still has to be done, and we will have to make hard sacrifices along the way. Doing the Right thing is never easy. Evil is easy. Destruction is easy. Chaos is easy. Right Action takes will power and effort. Sometimes it can be exhausting and debilitating. You still do it because it's the right thing to do.


We don't teach these things or live these truths for personal gain or gratification. We do it because it's the right thing to do. The consequence of not doing what's Right is only more and more suffering, and greater bondage. Every single person who comes to understand Natural Law, applies it in their lives, and teaches it is changing the world. The results may not be immediate, but the Work still has to be done so that future generations may have a greater chance at Freedom. The purpose of every single human being in this Work is to plant a tree of which shade we may never get to sit beneath. We do this for the Freedom of All – the individual and the whole.


The goal of Freedom should always be in mind regardless of what may manifest through our Work. Doing what's Right for all of humanity – Agapé Love – should always be the foundation of it. Remember that we are all connected. When one person awakens, a part of the whole awakens. We have to keep that momentum going. We don't call it The Great Work for nothing. And when you take that step in Courage to do what is Right, consequences be damned, the Universe always comes to your aid. There's never any reason to fear. Do what you know to be Right, and those Higher Forces at work in the Universe will always be there to help you move forward.




As a whole species, we have to make what is called "The Cosmic Apology." The word 'apology' derives from the Greek prefix apo- meaning "away from / off / removed from" and the Greek noun logos meaning "word." Hence, 'apology' literally means "to go away from the word," "to take back something you've said," or "to give back the word." If a person says something they didn't mean, they apologize; they are "moving away from" what they have said.


The Creator of the Universe (or God, if you will), not man, is the Author (Authority) of Law; the one who brought Law into existence. Humanity's work is to learn to listen to God's Word which is Natural Law, Spiritual Law, Moral Law, and to align its behavior to that Law. So, humanity must make this cosmic apology by giving the Word (authorship of Law) back to the Creator and collectively align its behavior with Natural Law. This is accomplished when we open our minds and hearts to Truth (not dogmatic belief), and when we start saying the Lost Word of Power – NO – to those who claim to be our owners.


"A free people claim their Rights as derived from the Laws of Nature, and not as the gift of their magistrates."

– Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the U.S.A.


"The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the Law of Nature for his rule." – John Locke, English philosopher

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