If you create content (like music, films, art, etc), and that content is expressing valuable truths that could help wake people up, you absolutely have every right to put a price on it. I don't reject that. You can put all of your information behind a paywall because you compiled it and expressed it in your own unique way. Or you're going out of your way and expending personal time to teach it. The information itself may not be yours specifically, but you're expressing it artistically or in your own words. So, the right to charge for it exists.
However... There's a philosophical issue that needs to be considered. Ask yourself: is making money more important to you, or is speaking the truth more important? Is raking in profit a higher goal than helping humanity wake up? Is wealth more important than freedom? If you suddenly cannot make money anymore from your efforts in truthsaying, would you stop speaking? I wouldn't.
This is why I tend to feel suspicious of those who put everything they do behind a paywall. I'm not saying they don't have good intentions, though. I understand wanting to make a living doing what you're passionate about. I definitely understand needing to fund your efforts. We live in a world that still places value on pieces of paper or numbers on a screen, so it's hard to do anything without it. I get it. But speaking the truth is not just some hobby or vocation, it's a moral duty. If you know things that are vital to human freedom, that knowledge needs to be shared, widely and FREELY.
If you want to charge for something you've put a lot of time and effort into, go for it... but put that same knowledge out there in other ways so that it's easily accessible for anyone seeking it. Everything I teach is available to read here on my website. The only thing I charge for is my course and my design work.
Freedom is far more important than anything else. You have the right to sell your creative content, but you do not have the right to keep vital knowledge about how to create freedom sequestered or occulted. By doing so, you are still part of the problem that is keeping humanity enslaved. You're making it harder to access. That's how I feel about it, anyway. Do as you will.
I will always share what I know for free. I will always put truth before profit, because truth is not proprietary. Truth belongs to everyone.
So while we still have to use "money" in this world, we need to understand what it ultimately is: a control system. It has no real intrinsic value. It's something that we all collectively have accepted as having value, but it's entirely illusory. For something to have real value it has to serve a practical purpose. Clothing, tools, weapons, food/water, shelter, etc. These are things with true value. There would be no concept of profit if we understood this deeply. Money perpetuates the idea of scarcity, another illusion to control us. People resort to immoral behavior if it means making more money, and put self-preservation above doing the right thing.
The word itself, if you break it down, is MON and EY. Using green language, you can decipher what that means: MON (as in mono) = ONE and EY = EYE. ONE EYE. Look at the dollar bill. What's the symbol on the back? The one eye. In occult traditions, that symbol represents Wisdom and Enlightenment. How do we achieve those things? Through our Time and Attention. Those are our true currencies... our CURRENT-SEEs. CURRENT of energy, present-moment awareness. What we spend our time on and pay attention to brings us our true income of knowledge and understanding.
When it comes to speaking vital truth to the world, we have to decide which is more valuable: false proxies or the real thing. Do what you must do to continue your work, but never put profit above your moral duty. I know a lot of people will vehemently disagree with me, and I'm not saying you HAVE to do anything. Do as you will, but reflect on WHY you do it. Is it for "money" or is it for the purpose of ending human slavery in which that "money" plays an intricate part? Are you trying to help create real and positive change, or are you just trying to live off of other people's interest in such change?
When you put moral principles and right action before egoic attachments, the universe notices and helps you do that work. That help may not always come when you want it, or how you want it, but it never fails. As soon as you step off that path, expect obstacles. Fear will never help you. Trust in the Laws of Creation.
"Do the right thing because it is right." - Immanuel Kant